Friday, December 13, 2013

Hour Of Code

This Is the game that I worked on during the hour of code. I programmed the game to scroll across the screen.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Hour Of Code

1. Who were 3 people you recognized in the video .?
The people I saw where Chris Bosh, Dwight Howard, and Obama

2. What were they encouraging you to do or learn .?
They wanted us to learn about coding and programming.

3. Why is learning how to program so important at this day in age.?
Its important because they want us to be the next bill gates and they want us to have a job where you can program a game and earn a lot of money.

4. How will knowing something about computer science benefit you in your time.?
It will benefit us by when we apply for a job, we can put that on our application and we can have a better advantage of getting that job. Also we can get a job of making games and get paid a lot of money while we make a game.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Add Hidden Objects

What was it like to add ActionScript to your objects? What kind of game action would you like to add next?

it was cool , I would like to add a win and lose screen.

Draw Backround

Write a post about what it was like to draw your background in Flash.

I got my idea to draw the alley because the first thing that pops in my head when I think about saving animals is a alley, because that's the only place that stray animals can stay.